Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dear Human… You Are Becoming Crystal, Untold Joys Await In New Earth Timeline 2015+, Reptilian Value System Collapsing, New Crystal Superhuman Grid In Place!

 Humans… as gamma radiation bombards earth from the Great Central Sun Of Our Universe, this conscious energy, is blasting us gently and strongly with energy that agitates our carbon DNA.
At a certain point, like when water boils, there will be a quantum shift, from carbon DNA, to crystal DNA.
Humans, your environment has been polluted, for the purpose to prevent you from your own personal quantum shift.
The toxins in your body right now, will need to be removed in order to facilitate your personal quantum shift.
Humans in the old timeline, many humans did not realize that negative entertainment on any level, was helping to create a timeline of world war and destruction.
Recently in the end of September 2015, there were many plans set in motion for years by dark cabal, that did not happen, that were to create a series of worldwide events that would trigger in a new world order.
The new world order no longer controls the earth grid, since their planned events did not manifest.
The new world order are the minions of the Reptilians, who have already surrendered.
The minions are afraid of humanity, once their evildoings become known.
There is now a grid in place where the outcome is heaven on earth.
This new grid now strongly supports the ascension or, collective and personal quantum shift that is now before humanity.
To get to Godstuff, all that is required is to acknowledge the soul that is at the core of one’s heart.
To get to more Godstuff, all that is required is to acknowledge the soul that is in another’s heart.
Souls must acknowledge them self to get to the wisdom, power and love.
Souls must acknowledge other god inspired lifeforms, to get to their wisdom, power and love.
Think of a Windows 95 computer as a metaphor for human double stranded DNA.
Imagine now that this gamma radiation is now triggering our DNA to restrand itself towards crystal.
Imagine that this crystal DNA that you can attract with your will in action, creates superhuman abilities.
Imagine now that a human either attracts or repels their personal quantum shift, resulting in either becoming a superhuman, or getting burned by the fire.
Toxins in the body will cause the system to short circuit, as new electricity blasts through the body.
Making this quantum shift, requires a new sense of purity; imagine how a car runs based on clean vs. dirty fuel… same deal with our bodies.
If you desire to ascend, you will ascend regardless of your current limitations.
Now that you may have absorbed the reptilian grid of competition, war, and control of other lifeforms, know that the earth grid of crystal superhumans in paradise, is firmly in place.
You can focus on competition and distraction, or you can focus on your quantum shift to becoming a superhuman.
You can master this and every moment in full presence of christ consciousness.
You can master yourself in christ consciousness.
In the state of christ consciousness, there is no need to suffer, there are only reasons to love.
In the state of christ consciousness, there is no need to be in any state of being, other than complete union with all lifeforms and creations in the multiverse.
If you deny this ascension is taking place then further research all the changes that our solar system are going through including physical shifts that are already documented, on other planets.
You must self activate by deprogramming your DNA from the old reptilian values, and embrace the values of a crystal human.
Ascension is a shedding of density in emotion, thoughts, the body, the aura, in full presence ( a non-distracted state of consciousness).
Notice that you will become weaker if you lead a distracted life with reptilian values and you will become stronger as you lead a life of presence, with christed values.
Imagine now a flood of information coming from the new crystal christ earth grid, flooding into your being… hold this thought for at least one minute, as often as you want, if you want to accelerate your personal quantum shift… make a commitment to shed all inferior or superior thoughtforms.


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