Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Shadow Earth Governments Were Preparing For Spiritual Quickening, Photon Belt And Nibiru, To Take Over World, But They Are Being Removed Instead! Look Forward To Important World Announcements!

Up until very recently, the Shadow Governments and other Earth Governments were preparing and planning to stock up to go underground, as the combined effects of:
1) The Spiritual Quickening energies
2) The Photon Bands of energy as Earth approaches closer and closer to Alcyon in our Pleiadian Star System during it’s 26,000 year orbit, and
3) Also, the planet NIBIRU, as it approaches your own sun.
From the website starlodgehealing.com (This is a series of messages channeled by Cody Golden Elk from his guardian Angel AhReAh, or ARA for short, along with the Plieadan RaTesh, by date and time.
***NOTE: These channelings are for information purposes. We suggest they be read by each reader, then felt with their own hearts/intuition for truth. These types of channeled materials have no scientific evidence, or empirical data, to prove their validity. However, they may include deeper elements of truth not necessarily associated with Government, or Shadow Government, tactics used to control information to Earth’s people. We know that we love our mothers, but cannot prove it…… however, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.***
Please give any assistance possible, as well as, spreading the word about our work, if this material resonates with you. Cody Golden Elk is disabled, retired, and devotes as much time as possible to the Star Lodge’s work with healings, counselings, writings, and channelings.
So our dark hats here on earth, thought they would use these events, that humanity is learning about only most recently, to eventually take over the world… and even, go underground or off-earth, during the chaos of an unaware populace going through things they do not comprehend.  
1.  The Spiritual Quickening Energies-  We can comprehend, that the Schumann Resonance, is increasing on our planet, which means that more Light is available, and even, catalyzing the next mutation of lifeforms on our planet… people are getting more spiritual… as our planet moved into a quantum shift.  I’m sure you may have noticed the rise in satanism on this planet… all satanism is suddenly ending in this galaxy.
2.  The photon belt – is a band of gamma radiation that our solar system is going through… it is like the electromagnetic field of our galaxy… and is a major catalyst for changes on all levels.
3.  Nibiru –  there will be a 5 to 6 month ‘re-adjustment’ period, once NIBIRU passes by Earth, then as it swings around your sun and passes by Earth again. In both cases, your Earth/Moon system will pass through NIBIRU’s long debris tail, causing a multitude of less destructive effects. Many types of astrophysical and planetary destruction will occur.
This whole website starlodgehealing, is full of Nibiru info…. 
Now in 2016, there have been developments since this message was channeled… elements of the shadow government are being dissolved because Divine Plan, says this planet is ascending, and no lifeforms, can stop it… as earth progresses in our ascension, the dark forces are being removed to another hologram earth planet, so we are in a splitting of humanity into two layers; those who ‘get with the Divine Program’, and those who do not. In 2016, we are moving beyond the need to control, or be controlled… all beings ever created are free at the soul level… it is the time for earthlings to realize that as we connect with our souls, we essentially, ‘wake up’.
Just because the dark hats are being removed from the situation does not mean the situation no longer exists.  It is your choice to prepare yourself, and to help others prepare or not, for continued increases in Light frequencies, from the photon belt, and galactic centre.  
Nibiru does exist… and a flyby will be a great event, that will awaken humanity… remember, great darkness, can awaken into great Light, so hold space for a being you consider to be dark, to make a turnaround…. if they are still here, and not removed to the second earth, that is!
The spiritual awakening of humanity is going forward full steam ahead!
You will have what Sanat Kumara spoke about as the initiation, the Mass Initiation. That is coming. It is already upon many of you. You have not felt it directly yet, but it will be. It will be in your sleep time. It will be in your wakened time. It will be in whatever time it comes, but it will be here. For some it has already been here. You are in that process.
WEB PAGE:  www.EarthAscends.com - Messages
Supporting research:  

Photon Belt – Crystalinks

The photon belt is reportedly a band of intense photon light that is near Earth at this time. A photon is a quantum of light, or the smallest possible packet of light at a given wavelength. It is emitted by an atom during a transition from one energy state to another.


Sep 19, 2014 - On the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new …

The Photon Belt : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual …

Apr 2, 2015 - The Photon Belt in5d in 5d. The photon band is a quantum (smallest particle) of electromagnetic energy with zero mass-no electrical charge …
Source :  http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/shadow-earth-governments-were-preparing-for-spiritual-quickening-photon-belt-and-nibiru-to-take-over-world-but-they-are-being-removed-instead-look-forward-to-important-world-announcements-3278028.html

Monday, January 11, 2016

Breaking! Obama Works With Ashtar Command! Before Earth Enters Zero Point… Obama Will Make ET Disclosure Announcement, While 100,000+ Arrests May Happen… This Will Be Broadcast Via Television, Internet, Phone, and Remote Areas… Many New Advanced Technologies Forthcoming!

From Ashtar via Elizabeth Trutwin:

“How the Event Will Unfold 

Arrests, Announcements and Landings, in that order. Announcements will be made beginning with President Obama. He will tell of the benevolent Extraterrestrials he has been working closely with including me, Ashtar. He will also announce the beginning of the Jubilee at the same time. Others will join him with their Announcements. This will be broadcast not only on TV but also the internet and will be able to be seen on every phone and in every remote area when it happens. 

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Arrests may well happen at the same time the President is making his Announcements. Arrests will number in the 100s of thousands and every police force on Earth is part of the Plan. This is the permanent removal of the malevolent Extraterrestrials on Earth, the Reptilians and Draconians.

Earth will Ascend and become a Planet of Peace. Those making war will be gone. They will be tried at the ICC, the World Court and then the Solar Tribunal. You will see these trials as they are conducted. This very likely could happen following a new mass psychological attack, a nuclear threat or the world economy collapse.

This would empower St. Germain to come in and take over the world banking systems. It would happen in the blink of an eye. There will be a great deal of evidence presented as the populace of Earth heals and slowly learns of the truths which have been hidden from them.

The floodgates will be open and the LOVE will poor in. Most Everybody will be relieved. They will not be afraid. They will say – I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t have known it was this. Now that I know, things will be much better. Truth and Trust will be restored for All Humanity. 


Finally as we go through the initial progress of changeover it will make available what is needed for Landings. Earth will enter Zero Point with our technological assistance. All wars will end, weapons of all types will not discharge at Zero Point.

The soldiers will return home. Non violent offenders will be released from jail. Mentors and Healing technology will be made available to every human on Earth.

The terra forming of Earth will continue and the Zero Point Modulators will be at 100% power connecting with all the Pyramids, Obelisks, Portals and StarGates on Earth. 

The Wingmaker Ships and Pleiadian Ships responsible for cleaning up the Eco System of Earth will become visible overhead. The seas and rivers will become aquamarine blue. The skies will be clear. All of the environmental pollution will be cleared away by our helping hands.

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There will be many changes and too many to mention here. This window is a short period of time. Do everything in your power now to drop everything in your life which no longer serves you and work hard at bringing in the changes which most benefit your body, your mind, your emotions, your work, your family and friends. Pay Attention. Put down the fight.  Be the Change. We are ever ready to serve you as Angelic Extraterrestrial Beings of Light. Happy New Year! You have never been alone. Salut!
This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016.
© All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org
Source : http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/obama-works-with-ashtar-command-before-earth-enters-zero-point-obama-will-make-et-disclosure-announcement-while-100000-arrests-may-happen-this-will-be-broadcast-via-television-internet-ph-3274532.html

Earth’s Schumann Resonance More Than Doubled, Humanity Now More Calm And Compassionate… Humanity Must Match Earth’s Ever Increasing Frequencies and that this is related to the Shumann Resonance!

2014 Archangel Michael
Over the last ten years we have raised the Schuman Resonance which is the frequency of the Earth. 1/3 of humanity will be at dimension 5 on 9282015! (9/28/2015)
Archangel Michael says, “The beings whose internal Schuman resonance is stabilized at 17 Hertz or higher will be propelled into the 5th Dimension!”


Clearing – The Council

councilOnce again we begin by asking that today’s date be included in the message. Today is December 30th, 2015.
Almost everyone who follows our messages will know of the standing wave frequency of the earth called the Schumann Resonance. This frequency has definite effects upon the human being. There is, for instance, a correlation between the steady increase in the frequency over the last few years and your perception of the increasing rapidity of the passage of time.
For almost all of the period during which you have known of this resonance, it was almost a constant. In the last few years, it has more than doubled. That would seem to correspond to humanity’s conscious awakening, would it not? As a matter of fact, as the frequency increased, humanity’s nature has seemed to calm and become more compassionate. You have begun to search within more and more.
So why did we ask that this date be recorded? Yesterday the frequency spiked. Now it has been spiking for quite a while. Sometimes it goes up quite a bit, as these things are measured. Yesterday there was a spike to more than 50 Hz. You thought it was remarkable when it reached 16 Hz.
So what do we have to tell you about that? Well, we have spoken for quite a while and through many channels about the clearing that the inbound energies are helping you to accomplish. And this is true. We have also spoken of the differing effects this has upon those of one purpose and those of another, or as you might say, those who are awakening and those who are not. And we have said that there is a last spurt of clearing that you would be going through in the short term. Guess what!
Imagine that you were trying to clear the muddy water out of your garden hose. It was going rather well, but still there was a bit more that you wanted. So, you walked over to the spigot and gave it sharp twist to full open. So if you felt, or feel, or observe some sudden changes in what is going on within or around you, relax. It’s just another clearing. And if you feel really good, smile and enjoy it. Think of it as getting a head start on your next year.
Oh! And don’t forget to hang on for dear life, as you say.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://ronahead.com/

Does It Makes Sense To Increase Your Personal Schumann Resonance, That You Do A Heavy Metal Detox…And Clear Emotional, Physical and Mental Energy That Creates Inner Resistance To Light?

In practical terms, you ascend your energy by releasing resistance to Light… earthlings are playing catchup with the planet under their feet in terms of needing to resonate with earth’s Schumann Resonance…. expect more health issues if you have resistance… expect more health miracles if you are open to releasing resistance.
Source :  http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/earths-schumann-resonance-more-than-doubled-humanity-now-more-calm-and-compassionate-3274520.html

Social Media Spirituality Replacing Religion: Looking For The Wise, The Powerful And The Loving, As You Learn To Overcome Death, Towards Eternal Life!

People used to go to church for wise, powerful and loving experiences… now we using social media to self activate, towards everything from overcoming death, towards eternal life. 
The trends…
The rise of social media:

I share with you the simple and true premise, that social media is replacing religion.
I share with you the notion that many people are becoming more wise, loving and powerful (christ conscious), via exchanges in social media.
Wisdom, love and power, together in a self-activated heart, is christ consciousness.
Christ consciousness is not the same as christianity… they are similar in name, and a few points but in their essences they are different.
Christ consciousness:  I am wise, powerful and loving.
Christianity:  Jesus died to take away my sins.
Of course, we all eventually come to learn that no one dies for your sins… that would be a way out to evade responsibility… and in universal terms… AS IF!
The truth is that we are each individually responsible for the upliftment of self, and to offer to uplift others.
Why would any truly evolved being, want to live in disharmony? It is not possible.
Earthlings, if you listen to music that unwise, unloving and unpowerful (lyrics that seek to control others), then basically this is like deactivating your christ conscious true nature.
It is the true nature of a human being who’s energy field radiates from the core of the heart, to live in the wisdom, love and power of self and others.
Let no words cast a spell upon thy heart… that would chain it…

Do not draw a cross upon your heart… instead replace the cross of death, with a spiral of christ conscious light.
Literally try this:  take your hands and spiral them over your heart, and program yourself, “wisdom, power and love live here… to be shared… to be nurtured… to simple, be… and so it is”…. keep doing this until you feel your radiance and sense of wisdom, power and love, increase.
Religion constrains… social media is freeing. Any religion is not truly serving you unless are able to easily let it go, and be free of it.  
Many people now use social media to become more wise, powerful and loving and to exchange with the wisdom, power and love of others.
This is why we can see a trend away from the ‘old world’ religious experience, towards social media, and people truly helping each other out a true christ conscious experience with self and others, in a real time or even, “beyond time”, format.
Yes one may choose to go to church to listen to someone speak… but face it, if you belong to several facebook groups, email lists… and visit a few websites… then the chances are… you are spiritually uplifting and being uplifted several times a day in this manner… without the filter that a priest or any third party, would provide.
The Second Coming On Facebook?
If you are a friend of someone, who demonstrates wisdom, power and love, or friends that are open to it… that would be literal christs popping up all over the world… no one has to wave a golden cross… it is in the memes, it is the pictures we share… it is in the groups we belong to… it is in the Light that we shine… in truth this is the second coming that Sananda refers to… I remind you that Sananda is Jesus from the bible, who was greatly misrepresented… he has returned to earth as Supreme Commander for Project Transition Earth and all others visitors to earth, are under his command…. allrighty…
Jesus Sananda in 1992? 
Making The World More Wise, Powerful Or Loving Via Social Media, Is Christ Consciousness In Action
So you see, maybe if you are interested in exchanging energy with other lifeforms, towards making the world a better place….then you are christ conscious…. see how this has nothing to do with religion?  Can you see why you and social media, are both very powerful, in making yourself and the world, more harmonious, and this inner drive to experience christ consciousness needs no third party to control matters… however we are all in this together… thank you for bringing your gifts of upliftment to the world in your own second coming of inner christ consciousness.
We hold the vision and are hopeful for the world, for as we can see humanity’s destructive controlling tendencies… we know in our hearts, there is ultimately an inherent drive towards christ consciousness… and as one, we walk this earth together.
Second Coming Hints
-The second coming Jesus referred to in the bible, is the second coming of christ consciousness across humanity.
-Jesus (Sananda) has returned to earth… and is appearing in physical form to some people.
-Jesus is regularly featured on a radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel
-Sananda has returned, not as a feeble man in sandals, instead he has returned as who he truly is… a powerful, loving and wise, Supreme Commander and brother to us all… the ultimate expression of christ consciousness… who does not want to be considered “The Christ”… please check out his extensive messages… here are a few of the latest:
Release The Hate You May Have Towards Religion Or Anyone
Love all lifeforms that seek to control you in any manner… do not deactivate your christ conscious light, by sending out any wave of unloving energy via judgments, egoic superiority complexes… do not punish yourself, for other people’s unchristlike consciousness.
The churches of the old religions are now emptying… and from those ashes, are we all rising up like phoenix from the ashes… straight up towards self-activating heaven within, and on earth… and so it is… enjoy this next phase… there may be a few major bumps… since this is a matrix, we are getting what we need to activate the entire world towards christ consciousness… all for a grand purpose and the Divine Plan.

A False Idol Is Someone Who Guides You To Be Unwise, Unpowerful, Or Unloving… And Appears Otherwise
How many of these false idols do you expose yourself to, everyday via entertainment, music, videos, radio shows, tv programs, movies, magazines, books, shows, tours and internet? If you are realistic, this will include many of your favorites.

Hatonn say this:
I did not say “Buddha” or “Jesus” or, or, or–I said “CHRIST”. “Christness” is a “state of being”, A SOUL STATE.  With this in mind we will speak of lessons and proclamations of the great “teachers” come before.  Does “Dharma” claim to be a great teacher? She doesn’t even claim to be a “teacher”.  Why, then, is there such upheaval and attention given to her?  Do “I” claim to be a “great teacher”?  No–JUST A TEACHER OF TRUTH AND KNOWER OF THE WAY.  I DO HAVE A MISSION–IN TOTAL SERVICE TO GOD OF THAT “LIGHT” OF WHICH WE HAVE JUST BEEN WRITING.
Christ proclaimed, “I am come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly–even life eternal!”
Christ never spoke of death nor did he leave any teachings by which man could be prepared to die. He taught only LIFE!  Life more abundant!  Glorious, beautiful Life!  Yes!  He taught only the principles of Eternal Life.
He revealed the straight and narrow way that leads to LIFE ETERNAL, good friends.  He explained his association with Creator (His Father and YOURS) and claimed nothing of greater power than that of which you too are capable.
He also warned continually against the “Broad Open Way” which leads to destruction and which so many enter, always by individual “choice”.  He spoke to John in Revelation about overcoming even as he overcame.  Overcame what?  DEATH!

The Direction Of Anything From “Self Help”, Empowerment, Learning Your Lessons, Heart Enriching Social Circles, Are All Headed In The Same Direction Towards Eternal Christ Conscious Life
Many have judgments against the word, “christ”… that they may not even realize they have been activiating the christ within, all along.
Okay to summarize, there are non-religious christ conscious people popping up all over the world, and they are replacing third party limiting mind constructs, with a self-activated heartfelt spiritual awakening.  Helpful posts, sharing helpful articles, inspirational videos and so on and so forth, is based on inherent inner desire to overcome death, towards eternal christ light.  It is strongly demonstrated in all our social media circles, that people are activating the wisdom, power and love within, and that they are helping others to do so.  We are all souls who are ultimately seeking to know thyself, and why it is here on earth at this magnificent time in galactic history, as we learn to have wise, power and loving rhythmic balanced exchanges with all lifeforms. 
Source :  http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/social-media-spirituality-replacing-religion-looking-for-the-wise-the-powerful-and-the-loving-as-you-learn-to-overcome-death-towards-eternal-life-3274184.html

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Illuminati Are Being Removed To Second Earth, In Another Galaxy… Latest Update And Research… “Absolute Peace” In Days Ahead!

Message from Saint Germain, January 5, 2016 Hello, dear Ones ~Today I want to dictate to you a message on behalf of all of the Ascended Masters. We congratulate you with Happy New Year. You should know that this is an unusual year. It will draw some sort of a time border that separates the old world from the new one. And now the old world begins to crumble before your eyes

Illuminati Are Being Removed To Second Earth, In Another Galaxy… Latest Update And Research… ”Absolute Peace” In Days Ahead! 

Whoa!… This whole ascension thing, is getting real in 2016!   The last messages via Mike Quinsey (who channels his higher self), have suggested soon…earth will be free of dark interference, and will is involved in a splitting of sorts… divine sorting… those souls who want to experience love and unity, and those souls who want to experience fear and separation.


Second Earth (Hologram) Explained, As Part Of Divine Plan Of Earth Ascension

  1.  Earth is going through a very significant birthing phase, called an “ascension”.
  2.  The entire multiverse is also going through an ascension, however earth is the holdout planet for the multiverse ascension, so much attention is now being payed to earth at this time.
  3. When a planet goes through a significant birthing phase, it may be isolated from darker forces who would mess with the birthing… already we have achieved peace in this galaxy with the surrender of the Archon Alliance.  Universe Stunned! Entire Archon Alliance Declares Peace! Sananda, AAMichael
  4. The earth minions of the Archon Alliance have falsely believed they could take over this planet for themselves.
  5. All those who do not desire with the upliftment of mother earth and humanity, are being removed to a second earth.  This second earth, is not a real planet, but a hologram, that will seem like a real planet. 
  6. This second earth, is designed for those who need more 3D earth experiences.
  7. This second earth, will not have people of the Light, for the dark forces to prey upon.
  8. Any energy that is not in resonance with the upliftment and love of self and other lifeforms, is being removed from earth.
  9. The process of the splitting of humanity is smooth, for example, you may go to sleep on earth, and wake up the next day in the hologram, and not really notice anything, except that certain people are no longer around.
  10. If you remain on earth, you might notice that certain people who are more darkly inclined, are no longer around.
See how this is ‘hinted’ at… in a few channeled messages:
LATEST UPDATE: From Mike Quinsey January 8, 2016:
“Those responsible for your “imprisonment” upon Earth will answer to higher authorities than ours. They will be removed from the Earth so as to ensure that their influences are no longer able to interfere with the new energies. The days are coming when you shall be free from all interference, so that you can live your lives as you choose but in absolute peace.”

Two Earths Explained!  Another Holographic Earth Prepared For Third Dimension Learning; Evil And Fear Is Leaving THIS Planet

Indian in the machine:  As this planet cleanses itself of third dimension, there is another holographic planet (which this one is also), for those who are unable to get along with other lifeforms… oh you don’t really want to be on that planet, because it won’t be buffered by those of the Light… it will be made up solely of those who do not get along with each other… sound fun?  If so, just keep not getting along with people, and one day you will be on that holographic planet, and won’t know it… because it won’t appear that anything has changed… EXCEPT, there won’t be Lightworkers like on earth, who have been buffering the situation… just people fighting, yelling, ignorance, fear and more duality.  
This planet and her inhabitants, are being restored to loving frequencies… so if you are loving, you may get to stay… but if not.. you are leaving, but probably won’t notice… understood? Without God consciousness, you will struggle, with God, the winds of love are at your back. 

Mytre the Pleadian says: “
Gaia is transcending beyond Her third and fourth dimensional, holographic habitat zones. Just as you, the members of humanity, have holographic zones for your third dimensional Self, so does Gaia. Gaia is ready to return to Her pure, Lightbody Self that offers a fifth dimensional habitat zone.
In other words, the third and fourth dimensional habitat zones are in the process of release. These zones will be relocated to another planet in another galaxy. Those who are unable to release their essence from the holographic projection they have been wearing for their myriad adventures on Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional habitat zones, will re-locate with those lower dimensional habitat zones.

Gaia’s fifth dimensional and beyond habitat zones will still be available for those who can expand their consciousness enough to adjusts their perceptions to the fourth and fifth dimensions. This shift into higher dimensional habitat zones is what is known to humanity as Ascension.
The third dimensional habitat zone will be released first, and the fourth dimensional habitat zone will serve as an “in-between” zone that will simultaneously exist around Gaia, as well as around its new home. Eventually, the fourth dimensional habitat zone will be fully relocated to the other planet, and Gaia will be fully in the splendor of Her Light-Planet SELF.
We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, are focusing our attention/consciousness into the heart of Gaia, so that we can assist all who are prepared to make this shift into your human Lightbody. Please know that no disasters are necessary, as the lower dimensional zones will still be available to those who are not prepared to leave the third/fourth dimensional Wheel of Life and Death.
Humanity will experience this event in the manner that is consistent with their state of consciousness. Those whose consciousness can only resonant to the Beta Waves of the third dimensional zone will be offered many fourth dimensional “dreams” to assist them to awaken.
On the other hand, all life that has aligned themselves with Earth, such as the plant, animal, insect kingdom will follow Gaia’s lead and Flow into the habitat zone of Gaia’s choice. This group includes humans who deeply love Gaia and live within alignment with Her planetary needs.
Therefore, there will be many humans who will make this shift without any awareness that it is occurring. Instead, they will notice that life is becoming increasingly better and better. They will likely believe that this improvement is because of a social issue, rather than a planetary issue.
This shift of habitat zones will be unconscious to many humans, but if their resonance allows them to perceive the shift, they will find reasons for the improvement of life on Earth that are consistent with their belief system.
There is no concept of “good” or “bad” in the fifth dimensional habitat zone because that zone is free of all polarity. Because many humans will still need to live within some version of polarity, the fourth dimensional habitat zone will remain bi-located on both Gaia and the other planet for as long as Gaia can contain that low frequency around Her Being.
Gaia is releasing the restraints of the third dimensional zone as it has been VERY damaging to Her health. She is a loving planetary mother and has tolerated Her destructive children as long as possible. However, her body cannot heal with the constant negativity and destruction to Her form that the third dimensional habitat zone has created. Furthermore, Gaia’s “tour of duty” is coming to its closure.
There have been other “timelines” (times that were predicted by awakened humans) in which She could have released Her third dimensional habitat zone. However, as so many of her human life forms would not be able to translate their consciousness to that dimension, Gaia waited.
Dear Gaia waited in order to release that third-dimensional habitat zone in hopes that – eventually – these humans would be able to perceive their planet in Earth’s higher dimensional splendor.
Because Gaia was not willing to release so many of her children, she chose to keep that lower zone open for as long as possible. The truth is that that was always meant to be a “temporary grounding zone,” which was much like a “landing pad.”
However, Gaia became so deeply injured by the events during the Atlantis cycle, that the consciousness of many of her humans fell into the third dimensional habitat zone. This zone was meant to be a place for evolutionary beginnings.
In this evolutionary zone, the Elementals could play with the energy fields of that zone to create myriad versions of plants and animals. These plants and animals all lived in Unity Consciousness and knew that they were ONE with the entire planetary system. Even the early “primitive” humans lived in Unity Consciousness with the planet.
Unfortunately, Gaia with Her loving spirit allowed laggards from other planets who could not ascend with their own planet, as well as visitors from other planets who lived by the laws of “power over others,” to enter Her third dimensional habitat zone.
These laggards and visitors with power-over consciousness had such a low state of consciousness that they could not even perceive Gaia’s fourth and fifth dimensional habitat zones.
Gradually, the energy field of the laggards and the “power over others” began to dominate Gaia’s evolutionary habitat zone. Then, that which once resonated to the “Garden of Eden” format of Unconditional Love increasingly fell into a 3D zone of polarity.
Those early immigrants to Earth are still found within many of the ruling systems of Earth. Because their consciousness is so low, they are unable to even conceive of “Ascension into a higher reality.”
However, they have used their “technology” to look into a possible future in which they could not participate. Hence, they have been fighting against the relocation of life to the higher dimensional habitat zones.
Gaia has given them all the “time” she can give to allow these Lost Ones to transmute their energy fields into the higher frequencies. In fact, She has received a special dispensation so that they will NOT be able to move into Her fourth dimensional habitat zone and will need to continue their lessons on another planet.”
Dolores Cannon says this on the matter:
http://in5d.com/dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

And… more Dolores!
One world will not be aware of the other after ascension
People who get left behind will think, “It’s too bad _______ died believing what he (or she) believed.” They won’t be aware that anything has happened. The old earth will still be here, vibrating at it’s lower frequency with terrible things happening to it, but the new Earth moves into another dimension vibrating so fast that it becomes invisible to those on 3d Earth.

Project Camelot | Dolores Cannon: Convoluted Universe I’m very pleased to introduce our audience to Dolores Cannon and her work. …… I know that you talked about what is in essence sort of a “Second Earth”.

This premise aligns with this message from the Supreme Commander Of Project Transition Earth:

Galactic Supreme Commander Sananda: All Earth Guns …

Dec 9, 2015 - Galactic Supreme Commander SanandaAll Earth Guns Will CeaseTo Function Along With Already Neutralized Nuclear Weapons.
And this!  


(Suzanne) And they say the Earth will split from the ‘old’ Earth to the ‘new’ Earth. Is that how you perceive it? (SC) Yes, those who have transitioned and shifted and those who have not.
(Suzanne) And what will life be like for those who choose not to shift? (SC)It will not be good. There reality will be one of wars, hunger, violence. 
(Suzanne) And what will their perception be of those who have transitioned? (SC) They will not understand it.
(Suzanne) And for those who do shift, what will that experience be like? (SC) It will be peaceful and loving, everyone helping each other. When you lose the whole ego, you then use the most important piece -of 3-D.
And now for Mike Quinsey’s message (reprinted below)….I highlight another section… this:
You will experience a parting of the ways as the vibrations continue to increase. It is inevitable and necessary to provide the next stage in Humanity’s evolution. This occurs at the end of each solar cycle and is why people in relationships are not bound to each other. It gives souls an opportunity to re-access their progress and future needs to continue evolving. Your experiences whilst incarnated upon Earth have toughened you in readiness to serve others, and you are greatly loved and appreciated for having done so. You have proved your strength and determination in adversity, and are able to handle whatever situations you find yourselves in. Deep down you will remember that you all volunteered to grow through your Earth experiences, and nowhere else could have offered such a great opportunity to succeed in such a short time.”
So if I were you and the idea of another 26000 years in a toxic warring environment is not appealing to you… then clean up your act…lose the need for heartless experiences… create all your relationships based on love…. because either you align with love and unity, or you do not… all choices now have great implications.  
Thanks for tuning in…

8thJanuary 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Dear Ones, Take a deep breath and prepare for many changes that are waiting to come out. On face value it may seem that some are destructive where your present systems are concerned. However, all actions should be viewed with the greater picture in mind, as you are starting a period of multiple changes. At each stage you will naturally view them according to their immediate effect. However if you could see the result in the long term, you would appreciate how each happening is part of the whole process of change. Most of you already know that the events that are happening, are for your release from the hold the dark Forces have over you. Mother Earth is already making changes for that reason and she will “shake” the dark Ones with her actions. At times depending on where you are on Earth matters will seem to be a threat to you, but remember that changes to the surface of the Earth are inevitable as the cleansing takes place. Be assured that the Galactic Federation will be active at such times, and if necessary will remove you if you are in danger of being seriously affected. Try not to fear the changes as you will not be directly affected unless it is for karmic reasons. It is often difficult for us to intervene in such circumstances, but given the authority to assist you, we can re-locate you until the danger to you has passed. It is recorded in your history where many civilisations have simply disappeared without trace.
Much is taking place without your knowledge, but all happenings on Earth are monitored by the Galactic Forces. They direct the energies where possible into areas where it causes the least affect to any life forms. However, there are times when major changes are needed when land masses are re-shaped and waterways altered. At such times it is more important than ever to keep calm, and avoid giving your energies up to fear. Keep calm and by doing so you will help others to do the same. Inevitably some fear will accompany major changes but assure people that all of them are for the betterment of Earth. The old that no longer serves any purpose in the New Age must go to make way for the new. Where possible changes will be moderated so as to give you every opportunity to accommodate them. You have more than one civilisation overseeing the changes, so you may rest more easily knowing that the higher forces are in charge. The event taking place is of major significance to the Solar System which is why it is attracting so much attention.
You will experience a parting of the ways as the vibrations continue to increase. It is inevitable and necessary to provide the next stage in Humanity’s evolution. This occurs at the end of each solar cycle and is why people in relationships are not bound to each other. It gives souls an opportunity to re-access their progress and future needs to continue evolving. Your experiences whilst incarnated upon Earth have toughened you in readiness to serve others, and you are greatly loved and appreciated for having done so. You have proved your strength and determination in adversity, and are able to handle whatever situations you find yourselves in. Deep down you will remember that you all volunteered to grow through your Earth experiences, and nowhere else could have offered such a great opportunity to succeed in such a short time.
As you move through the last remnants of the old cycle, you will direct your thoughts more to understanding the New Age. It will be so different to what you have known, and a very pleasant surprise as you find great happiness and freedom to follow your desires. No longer will you be forced to encounter the negative energies and you will be able to follow your chosen path without interference. There will be many wise souls to give assistance in making your choices as to your future plans. So do not be concerned at this time if you are unsure as to what direction your life plan will take you in. Until you take your place as a Galactic Being you cannot be expected to fully understand your future needs.
Once you move out of the lower vibrations, you will soon forget the trials of living in duality but always remember the lessons you have learnt. Naturally some of you reading these messages will already have had a level of full consciousness, but come down in your vibrations to serve in the lower dimensions. For that reason your memories of existing in the higher vibrations will return much quicker. You have held the knowledge in your sub-consciousness, and it has helped you through your experiences. God holds Unconditional Love for you all and does not distinguish from one to another, and sees you all as equals. So those souls who feel unworthy of God’s Love, should know that they are held in great esteem as much as any other soul.
When you look around you bear in mind that each soul you see, is simply acting out a life plan that is especially suited to their needs. So make allowances for whatever circumstances exist around you, and never forget that each soul is exactly like you regardless of whatever path they are following. Understanding the truth regarding each souls life plan, would help you realise that there is in reality no difference from one to another. With such an understanding the need to make judgements of other souls becomes unnecessary as you are All One. It is for this reason that you are considered to be your Brother’s Keeper and why all members of the Human Race should show love and compassion to each other. Knowing this should enable you to send love to those who live in the depths of darkness, as they need your help more than any soul, if they are to return to the Light. They can be awakened by the higher energies even though they have renounced their belief in the Oneness of all Life.
It is intended that re-valuation shall take place now, after many delays. However, bear in mind that it will initially be those currencies that are most important for this time period. You may see it as the beginning of the end of the ability of the dark Ones to dictate the course of Humanity. You are breaking free from their “prison” that has held you back from true progress for hundreds of years. The most recent period has been the most critical for you, where you have found yourselves prevented from moving forward to benefit from the many advancements that have been held back. That situation is in the course of being changed, and there are now many different sources ready to come out. It is still too dangerous for many people to become public with their inventions, but with the large numbers involved means they cannot be restrained for much longer. Be assured that where people feel prompted to go ahead and have the confidence to do so they will be helped.
For some long period of time you have waited expectantly for matters to come into being, but for various reasons many have been put back. That period has now almost passed and a time is being entered where those of the Light will have far more freedom of movement and expression. Much has been building up over the years and soon the flood gates shall be opened, and at times you will feel overwhelmed by the speed of events taking place. In the recent years much progress has been made and as soon as circumstances permit, there will be plethora of new inventions released. You may be shocked but not surprised to learn that you have been seriously held back for some 100 years. However, you will not be denied for much longer, and when peace on Earth finally arrives one surprise after another will be released in quick succession. There may still be unforeseen delays, but the changes for your betterment will be yours to enjoy before much longer.
You have so much to learn about your Earth and how your history books are far from accurate, having been written without true knowledge of it. When the time is appropriate your Galactic family will ensure that you all have an opportunity to learn your true history. They can illustrate their points by showing you events that took place in your past, as they actually occurred. In the larger picture you will see how the Human Race has been falsely informed as to its history, and particularly in recent times. You will learn the truth behind the cause of two World Wars, and it is bound to cause shock and horror having regard to the enormous loss of life. There is no way that the truth can be distorted or manipulated, and it will not be revealed to lay blame on anyone, but to put the record straight.
Those responsible for your “imprisonment” upon Earth will answer to higher authorities than ours. They will be removed from the Earth so as to ensure that their influences are no longer able to interfere with the new energies. The days are coming when you shall be free from all interference, so that you can live your lives as you choose but in absolute peace. It has to be experienced to understand what that means, as words seem inadequate when trying to describe absolute peace and harmony. Your present lives are but a sad reflection of what is coming to you, so every effort you put in to lift up into the higher vibrations will be well worth it. At the higher level you can meet your true family and friends who you have long forgotten, but will soon recall once you meet again.
There will almost certainly come a time when people will need to know what is happening on Earth, and how will it affect their future. As one of those who are holding more knowledge that can help others to understand, you will be called upon to help out until the news can be broadcast on a worldwide basis. It will be done in such a way that everyone regardless of where they are will have the opportunity to receive it. Our own representatives will also be amongst you, and indeed many already are and have been doing their best to inform as many people as possible as to what is taking place.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
Mike Quinsey.
Source :  http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/illuminati-are-being-removed-to-second-earth-in-another-galaxy-latest-update-and-research-absolute-peace-in-days-ahead-3273724.html?currentSplittedPage=0