Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ashtar Command Mothership Parked In Front Of Venus Has “Lights On” Mode, Diamond Mode And Mushroom Mode, Many Will See It In This Lifetime… Spaceship Sightings Increasing Exponentially… Look To The Sky For Clues!

  1. Ashtar’s Mothership is called the, “New Jerusalem”.

You Have Received An Invitation From Jesus Sananda On ……/you-have-received-an-invitation-fr…
Aug 31, 2014 - You Have Received An Invitation From Jesus Sananda On “The New Jerusalem“ Ashtar Command Mothership, To Fireside Chat Folks…

Sananda; Jesus; The New Scriptures; The New Jerusalem ……/sananda-jesus-the-new-script…
Posts about Sananda; Jesus; The New Scriptures; The New JerusalemAshtar; Ascension; written by waiting4ascension.

Secret Government | Garuda of the Eagle Command
Lord Ashtar is the Captain on the FlagShip The New Jerusalem which is one in the Fleet of Ships in the Galactic Federation. The Admiral Sananda Jesus was  …

The New Jerusalem is the largest of the “Inns of Heaven;” a floating Etheric world, housing the headquarters… the Quarters of Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and  …

Sananda | Sananda
Our site is dedicated to Sananda in gratitude for his spiritual leadership … on the New Jerusalem Starship (Mothership), which is under the Ashtar Command.

2.  The New Jerusalem Is Now Parked In Front Of Venus!

““OWS”: The New Jerusalem is definitely a ship but it is also as a floating city as well. It is majorly large in your understanding so it is certainly something that has been here – it is docked out there, you might say, in the solar system and it is slightly in front of Venus. And you can see it when you look up in the sky if you know what you are looking for; what you are seeing is not the planet Venus, it is the ship. (wow) So it is there, it is somewhat as a floating city and you might see it as this. It is a wonderful spectacle and you will, many of you will, be experiencing this in this lifetime. Not in lifetimes ahead – it is going to be in this one.”

3.  Spaceships To Appear Exponentially… Look To The Sky For Clues!

“Question: No I haven’t. Hello this is _ – Zorra calls me Zirsta (? Spelling). How is everyone? (Anne: Oh hello). Yes this is Zirsta – Adama follows me around, as most of you know, and I’m in the Shasta/Ashland area. And I have a…one of my main questions is there is a ship outside my window is I’m looking up towards Shasta. I was wondering who it was (laughter).“OWS”: We can tell you that there is not only one ship. There are many ships there. This is something, again, that is going to increase exponentially in the very near future here. It has been talked about the arrival of many different levels of ships and they will be disclosing themselves. So even if the governmental disclosure does not occur as it was planned, there will be disclosure in other ways. And certainly more ships will be seen in the sky. You are experiencing one particular one there, it is one that is in a sense calling to you directly so there will be many of this occurring across the planet for all of those that are awake and ready for this. So we always say “keep your eyes on the skies” because there’s going to be many things appearing there. Not only ships – many things in the clouds – look in the clouds and see the different formations that are going to appear. Look at the trees and the plants and the grass and the water and all of this; and begin to experience all that you were not aware of before that is going to come to your awareness. Much of this will occur after what Sanat Kumara has spoken of, in terms of the Initiation or these movements of consciousness that is going to greatly occur through all of you. Anything to add here Ashira?”

4.  This wonderful video confirms the information, in the OWS channeling:

UFO~~”Venus” not Really “Venus”~~Lightship

5.  Look To The Sky For Clues

Thank you for your exponentially growing sky awareness. 
Source :

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