Monday, December 28, 2015
Humanity is undergoing a transmutation that is being discussed more and more… the high frequencies of the photon belt which a large band of gamma radiation that our solar system is heading through, is triggering “upgrades” on many levels including 5 new chakras, new chakras, new colours and much more. We’re literally walking into a whole new reality… enjoy your “spiritual awakening”… lovelight, Indian in the
The following information is from Master Kuthumi:
Now there are 12 crystals that work with the 12 strands of the DNA, each crystal vibrates to a different frequency and to a different number. All of these emanating a scared sound, and this impacts on the frequency that your DNA vibrates to. The first strand of DNA is held by the amethyst crystal, and this vibrates to the number eight.
The amethyst supports the first strand in setting a solid foundation from which you can tap into your divine plan and manifest it. The second strand is held by the quartz crystal and vibrates to the number two. This is about attaining and maintaining balance in order for the universal books to balance, what you need to be in balance. There is a book for everything, you even have a book of life in your physical world, not so, this is your book of identity, yes? Perhaps some of you need some new identify documents, yes? As your identity changes and this is where the third strand of DNA is impacting on many of you and this is held or supported by the tigers eye crystal and vibrates to the number one.
The majority of humanity has been colored and conditioned by society’s expectations placed upon them. You forgot who you are. And as your third strand has become more and more active, you have literally begun to ask – who am I? Why am I here?
Surely this is not the only reason why I came here? And you are quite right in this, work with the tiger’s eye, is this clear? The fourth strand, which resonates directly with the heart chakra, is held by the rose quartz crystal and this is to do with your relationship with intimate family- your parents, your siblings, your children and your partner.
So any issues revolving around these intimate areas are affected by the fourth strand of DNA. And as this DNA strand becomes more active many of you may find already that you have been or are facing challenges with your immediate family.
Parents, siblings, children and partner.
The information that we are giving you regarding all twelve strands of DNA have impacted to a certain extent on many of your lives already, so just take note of what we are saying and this will give you a better idea of which strand in your body has become active and which one is most influencing your life at this time. This strand vibrates to the number 4.
The fifth strand of DNA is held by the sodalite crystal and vibrates to the number three and this one impacts immensely on your throat chakra. This is to do with communication. People who are teachers, people who are to bring about change through communication are truly activating their fifth strand of DNA like there is no tomorrow. It is becoming a very strong strand, because as you move out of the old age of limitation, of poverty consciousness, of victim consciousness, conditional love and lust consciousness, the throat chakra is becoming more active. Because people need to learn to say what they mean and mean what they say. To lead by example by thought, action and word. And this is what the fifth strand of DNA is all about.
The sixth strand is held by the citrine and vibrates to the number six.
This is also connected to the sun chakra which we recently gave information on, as well as your higher self’s energy, and your soul energy. This strand is responsible for showing you where you have disconnected your self on a soul level. It shows you loud and clear where you have given your power to your lower ego. It will highLight this, and as you activate this strand it is about re-uniting all of these aspects of yourself so you can live your life in balance, united, masculine and feminine energies.
The seventh strand of DNA is held by the Labradorite crystal and vibrates to the number nine. This particular strand of DNA is affecting your abilities to communicate telepathically, you could say this strand is the magic wand that you have been looking for and it has been inside of you all along. By consciously focusing on aligning yourself with this strand, you begin to learn the mechanics of manifesting miracles and magic in your life. The seventh strand of DNA also broadens the imaginations ability to tap into higher levels of consciousness. And many of the new children are masters of utilizing this seventh strand.
The eighth strand of DNA vibrates with the pyrites crystal and vibrates to the number eight. And this is connected to the solar plexus chakra. The eighth strand of DNA is about looking at your emotional foundation. It forces you to look at how you honor and respect yourself. It asks you to look at the boundaries that you have set and those of you who are going through deep challenges at this time with regards to looking at boundaries you are working with the frequency of the eighth strand of DNA.
The ninth strand vibrates to the crystal sodalite and the number is four. The ninth strand asks you to decide between love and fear, knowledge and ignorance, wisdom and denial. The ninth strand faces you with the challenge of yes or no. It shows you that there is no grey area any more, you either are or you are not. You are either following a path of healing or you are not. So you could say that the ninth strand of DNA does not have much of a sense of humor. You understand?
The tenth strand of DNA vibrates to the crystal by the name of rhodocrosite and the number is one. And the tenth strand is about addressing all the belief structures that you have adopted from your father. Even if your biological father was not a part of your life those belief systems are still affecting you because you are genetically coded with the information. Is this clear to all of you? So you will need to look at your childhood and try to remember or reflect about anything that you can remember most about your relationship with your father, your stepfather or any father figure as such. And this will show you exactly where in your life you are sabotaging yourself.
The eleventh chakra is held by the crystal charoite and this is the chakra that motivates you to persevere so that you can master yourself. So that you can graduate from the university of life with distinctions. When you are working with the eleventh strand you are actively searching for your divine purpose. You are adamant to find out why you are here and this automatically sets in motion a chain reaction of experiences that will show you what is no longer supporting you and what is. And in a way it offers you the same challenge as the ninth strand – do you want it or don’t you – are you going to change or are you going to remain in your comfort zone. In order to master yourself you need to be courageous enough to admit to and acknowledge what is no longer a part of you, what no longer serves you and what you are afraid of.
And the twelfth strand of DNA is held by the pure white Selenite or Quartz crystals and vibrates to the number four as well. This is where you come to the end of cycles; wherever you are faced with a life changing experience, the crossroads so to speak, know that you are working with twelfth strand DNA issues. This is where the soul steps in, where spirit takes over and you can call it fate, you can call it destiny and it takes you where you must be. It is like everything becomes completely out of your control and the only choice that you have is to surrender, you can carry on and fight it if you want to but you will get tired. So it is rather to surrender to it.
Utilize the crystals, the twelve master crystals to work with these issues. If you have some of the crystals in your possession already, cleanse them, place them in your environment, acknowledge them for what they are presently work with and ask that your energy can tap into their wisdom and into the frequencies that they are emanating in order (tape ends) …. By acknowledging the crystals presence and what it is assisting you with you automatically become more sensitive and attuned to what the DNA of your body is trying to tell you and show you. You also increase the rate at which your body is transforming from carbon to silicone base, the majority of you here this evening, and in actual fact all of you here this evening are already in full active process of moving into silicone base and much of your crystalline structure is already active. Therefore it would benefit you immensely to work with the crystal kingdom, those specifically that we have spoken of this evening.
source and more:…
Indian in the machine
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Victory! First And Second Waves Of Ascension Update: New Master Hologram Created And Now Within Everyone
Indian in the machine; Just like the “100th monkey effect”… when enough humans are loving, this can create conditions for the 100th human to be more loving… and so it is… we have a new love hologram surrounding earth, and because we are one with that hologram whether we want to or not, the new love hologram is now within everyone… so we may find it in our experience that people who were once nasty, needy, and competitive, may suddenly become more loving, giving and kind… this does not mean that all will be peachykeen right away, although it could be… it means that planet earth is cleaning house…. and sometimes when you clean house, there is debris that needs to be taken care of… so do not mistaken the debris for the new reality… the debris needs to be removed… as he new reality based on love and unity, settles in… this is a huge victory for all souls, since all souls DO come from the Light and the essence of each soul is love.
A quote from the 2nd message reposted below: “These protected first wavers can exist within this world unharmed even if there is a global financial collapse or WW3! Or they can leave if they wish! The torch has now been passed to those of the second wave and those who work with the third eye.”
The Coming Rebellion Of High Vibration America
A few more energetic updates from Anarchistbanjo
This is a difficult post to write but a very important one. The difficulty is in putting what I see into words. So please bear with me in this.
We have been told that Jesus in the act of dying placed a bit of himself in each one of us allowing all to be saved if they embraced that bit of him in their heart. How is this possible?
Jesus through his actions created a hologram and each one of us carries part of that hologram inside us. We can choose to empower it or ignore it, but every small piece of a hologram contains a fuzzy image of the entire hologram.
In like manner we create holograms of our entire world, holograms that reflect our inner voyage and it is available to others. We create master holograms through energetic circuits with our divine counterparts and sub holograms through energetic circuits with chakra soulmates, those of specific frequencies that harmonize with our own at certain chakra levels.
Our entire reality is a maze of entwined and entangled connections, like a natural sponge with passage ways that go off in all directions. The strongest holograms are those we create with divine counterparts and these master holograms contain our personal timelines, that of our divine counterparts and of Gaia and all life upon her. Each one of us has personal versions of reality that differ from everyone else’s versions.
Some times versions of reality conflict and that is where we are at right now on a global basis. But a major victory has just been won by the first wave of those ascending with Gaia’s new birth.
I call this first wave the Hydrogen types, but let’s call them Crown Chakra types instead for clarity. Everyone that has opened and developed their crown chakra is part of this first wave.
It is this first wave that channel the greatest amount of love and light from the highest and have been anchoring it through their bodies. The greater the amount of energy the more powerful the master holograms that are created. Secondary holograms must submit to these higher energy holograms or be destroyed. Old eon holograms must submit or be destroyed.
Well this first wave has been trying to unite personal holograms to create a master collective hologram and that has finally succeeded! It is a collective master hologram of Hydrogen or Crown Chakra energies and has just severed energetic connections with all the lower energies! It is now energetically independent from everything else that is going on in our world. It is self sustaining for the first time.
The battle for Gaia now shifts to the Helium level or the third eye energies. The first wavers are out of the game and required only to further their personal realities through new creation. The first wavers are able to regenerate lower level energies such as emotional energies with their own bodies and recreate lower dimensions of personal reality by themselves without energetic contact with collective Gaia energies. They have become independent of Gaia and her energy grid.
This has been a massive victory for the first wave, but there is an energetic backlash that the second wave must deal with. We can perhaps best understand this as tradition. The first wave has created a new pattern or tradition out of Crown Chakra energies or out of Hydrogen energies, the energies of Unity. This new pattern exists in the hearts of all living things waiting to be activated through each personal hologram. But the first wavers are no longer fighting at the lower levels! That battle is now passed on to the second wave and the first wave holds fast the new pattern of this collective master hologram. They are energetically severed from all the rest of humanity.
For the first waver this is a time of massive empowerment because all the energy that was spent in fighting and anchoring the lower levels can now be directed in a much smaller energetic sphere and used in a personal manner. So they might find themselves in the same physical situation, but suddenly they are much more energetically able to clear away the rubble of the past from their own personal lives. All resistance will crumble away.
The second wave, Helium wave or Third Eye Chakra wave is traditionally that of the Warrior King while the first wave belonged to the Divine Gods and Goddesses. That which the first wave was able to achieve through magic and subtlety must now be achieved through the might and courage of the Warrior.
In blunt terms social clashes are going to become much harsher as society begins to crumble. Sometimes things need to crash before they can be rebuilt. But each one of us has the new pattern available in our hearts and it will lead us through all trials and temptations. Love is and always will be the answer.
You Have Never Seen These Magical Parallelogram Arctic Clouds Before…. Fifth Dimensional Activation Energy!
An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!
An ‘Outbreak’ Of Magical Arctic Clouds…. Beautiful “New Colour” Cloudships Are Now Activating Humanity To Accept Higher Frequencies In The Sky, And Within
The experts say one thing, but since they are apparently only coming from their five sense, they will not be completely accurate:
POLAR STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS: This week, sky watchers are reporting an outbreak of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) around the Arctic Circle. Unlike normal grey-white clouds, which hug Earth’s surface at altitudes of only 5 to 10 km, PSCs float through the stratosphere (25 km) and they are fantastically colorful. Truls Tiller photographed these over Tromsø, Norway, on Dec. 16th
Indian in the machine: An ‘outbreak’???? Okay whatever!… They can say what they want, but I am feeling these clouds are connected to Ashtar Command (whom, along with the Sylphs), who have been instrumental in seeding humanity with the notion of friendly extraterrestrials, and the new colours of the fifth dimension…
New Sky Ascension Colours Explained: Earth Sky Filled With Fifth Dimensional Colours Via Sylphs And Cloudships
I love reading these channeled messages…one channeled message that I’ve been drawn to read and re-read…trying to comprehend… is the Sananda message that discusses 5 new rays… which I have interpreted to mean 5 new colours….
Within this Sananda message above, is the following info:
8TH RAY – Seafoam green with violet: clear and cleanse 4 bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
9TH RAY – Luminescent light green and blue: love, joy and passion for life
10TH RAY – Pearlescent luminosity: Code your lightbody into the physical, draw in your I AM Presence
11TH RAY – Peach luminosity: Bridge to new age, balance male and female polarities
12 RAY – White Gold: Cosmic fire, ease and grace in one’s creations
*Call upon these rays now and ask yourself to absorb and integrate these 5 new primary colours… why wait? Why forget?
I received this lovely image from Darcy Fallowfield whom thought it was a chemtrail and it could have been, but it does look like a rainbow cloudship to me... look at this image and see if you can see that the cloudship is actually showing us the 5 new colours…..
Humanity, our star family are helping us to get used to high frequency energies, both within ourselves, and in the sky… keep questioning as needed, until you come into a stronger sense of knowing, from your opening infinite heart.
Just by looking at these images… you can self-activate to higher frequencies… eh? Share freely.
How are you going to know what a friendly high frequency spaceship feels like, if you have never experienced those frequencies before… hence the need to slowly help us to activate our DNA to respond to new colours, and for us to consciously reprogram ourselves in new Light frequencies.
Ask Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation Of Light, and the sylphs for a fifth dimensional new colour demonstration in the sky… have fun. 
Source ;
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Galactic Federation Of Light: Party On Mothership With 144,000 Lightworkers And Extraterrestrials!
There has been much talk of the 144,000 souls who came from all over the multiverse, to incarnate as a human, to help humanity during this crucial time. Those 144,000 beings are now ending on part of their assignment… and will go to the ships for their upgrades… some will return to earth, and some may choose not to… others may even choose to leave their bodies, having completed their earth human mission, and no longer have a need for a body.
There has been talk in a few channelings, about the 2nd wave of ascension…stepping into more leadership roles… to assist the 3rd and final wave that would follow. After the 3rd wave, the opportunity to ascend to higher frequencies in this body, will be over. All of this taking place on the most dense planet ever, as it turns into a star; lifeforms remaining on earth are therefore going through a very important mutation process, as the masses are guided to destroy themselves in competitive and unloving moments… those humans who do not feel separate or superior or inferior, will turn to love and only love, and will unite with all lifeforms throughout the multiverse. What we are living now is the ever-increasing separation of conscious humans, and unconscious humans… two planetary environments, one of which is mother Gaia mutating into a 5D and above, star…. and ther other planetary environment which is a hologram planet, for further exploration in the energies of competing with other lifeforms, and duality.
The first wave of ascension may at some point, probably after partying with extraterrestrials and getting their DNA upgraded and free of toxins, may walk again on earth…. these crystal-based human will be notably different from their coal-based forms (changes in height, age, hair colour, with a strong inner glow, and with special new human abilities)… and will be kinda like celebrities, except not false idols… pure essence that seeks no control or power over another.
See the latest Galactic Federation of Light message via Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek (reposted below)… and if this all seems completely proposterous, that is fine, but if you personally are not tapped into the Divine plan of our Creator expressed through the Company of Heaven, then why not open your heart futher, and see who is who out there, and what they are up to?
************ WHO DID YOU EXIST WITH, before you had this particular body, in the energies of pure love? Say hello to those beings, and welcome them to earth with pure love.****************** (As I wrote this, a bird chirpped outside my window).
December 6 2015
We will all have a huge ascension reunion party celebration soon on one of our motherships crystal cities. Athena, where those resonating at a high frequency are all invited, all 144.000 crew members will be present along with other extraterrestrials from all over the multiverse who will be celebrating this long and unprecedented event of ages. The party will continue into the higher realms with humanity’s ascension graduation as Galactic hue~man`s. This will indeed be a celebration of celebrations where we will celebrate untill all is liberated.
A time approaches where we will all meet. It is a time of unity, serendipity, without accidents, as the word implies, but more discoveries with the intention to be discovered, and experienced in fullness, joy and love for life… and all that exists and reunion between distant relatives as we are all family.
You will all be pleased and over joyed with the work you are doing to raise the vibrations of the Earth and leading humanity as guardians of light out of the darkness of separation. The light is ever increasing more. This is most amazing to observe from space. You are all beacons being filled with luminous radiant light. Your efforts are successful. Keep going.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Dear Human… You Are Becoming Crystal, Untold Joys Await In New Earth Timeline 2015+, Reptilian Value System Collapsing, New Crystal Superhuman Grid In Place!
Humans… as gamma radiation bombards earth from the Great Central Sun Of Our Universe, this conscious energy, is blasting us gently and strongly with energy that agitates our carbon DNA.
At a certain point, like when water boils, there will be a quantum shift, from carbon DNA, to crystal DNA.
Humans, your environment has been polluted, for the purpose to prevent you from your own personal quantum shift.
The toxins in your body right now, will need to be removed in order to facilitate your personal quantum shift.
Humans in the old timeline, many humans did not realize that negative entertainment on any level, was helping to create a timeline of world war and destruction.
Recently in the end of September 2015, there were many plans set in motion for years by dark cabal, that did not happen, that were to create a series of worldwide events that would trigger in a new world order.
The new world order no longer controls the earth grid, since their planned events did not manifest.
The new world order are the minions of the Reptilians, who have already surrendered.
The minions are afraid of humanity, once their evildoings become known.
There is now a grid in place where the outcome is heaven on earth.
This new grid now strongly supports the ascension or, collective and personal quantum shift that is now before humanity.
To get to Godstuff, all that is required is to acknowledge the soul that is at the core of one’s heart.
To get to more Godstuff, all that is required is to acknowledge the soul that is in another’s heart.
Souls must acknowledge them self to get to the wisdom, power and love.
Souls must acknowledge other god inspired lifeforms, to get to their wisdom, power and love.
Think of a Windows 95 computer as a metaphor for human double stranded DNA.
Imagine now that this gamma radiation is now triggering our DNA to restrand itself towards crystal.
Imagine that this crystal DNA that you can attract with your will in action, creates superhuman abilities.
Imagine now that a human either attracts or repels their personal quantum shift, resulting in either becoming a superhuman, or getting burned by the fire.
Toxins in the body will cause the system to short circuit, as new electricity blasts through the body.
Making this quantum shift, requires a new sense of purity; imagine how a car runs based on clean vs. dirty fuel… same deal with our bodies.
If you desire to ascend, you will ascend regardless of your current limitations.
Now that you may have absorbed the reptilian grid of competition, war, and control of other lifeforms, know that the earth grid of crystal superhumans in paradise, is firmly in place.
You can focus on competition and distraction, or you can focus on your quantum shift to becoming a superhuman.
You can master this and every moment in full presence of christ consciousness.
You can master yourself in christ consciousness.
In the state of christ consciousness, there is no need to suffer, there are only reasons to love.
In the state of christ consciousness, there is no need to be in any state of being, other than complete union with all lifeforms and creations in the multiverse.
If you deny this ascension is taking place then further research all the changes that our solar system are going through including physical shifts that are already documented, on other planets.
You must self activate by deprogramming your DNA from the old reptilian values, and embrace the values of a crystal human.
Ascension is a shedding of density in emotion, thoughts, the body, the aura, in full presence ( a non-distracted state of consciousness).
Notice that you will become weaker if you lead a distracted life with reptilian values and you will become stronger as you lead a life of presence, with christed values.
Imagine now a flood of information coming from the new crystal christ earth grid, flooding into your being… hold this thought for at least one minute, as often as you want, if you want to accelerate your personal quantum shift… make a commitment to shed all inferior or superior thoughtforms.
Source :
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Special Announcement By Zorra Of Inner Earth: All Diseases Will Become Null And Void
A very interesting conversation indeed, from Zorra, Quazar, and Anne… and certainly a healthy species, is in light with the fifth dimensional energies are planet is being bathed in… perhaps news of this nature will be less surprising when one realizes how the cabal or illuminati, have kept technological advantages in alignment with our vibration, from the human race… so we are now about to enter a catchup phase… with finances, healing, and ascension itself… imagine people all over the world, having enough, and getting along with each other.
Zorra: Indeed. And just imagine, if you will, in your mind, people everywhere: no more wheelchairs, no more crutches, no more canes. No more need for them for everyone will be fully and completely healed of any infirmity they may have. Of all diseases will become null and void.
Here the Complete transcription of the last call of our beloved Zorra/ Father God from Hollow Earth….. Be In Joy…Be in Laughter.
November 30 2015
Leave the old programming away and replace it with
love, harmony, peace, joy, laughter.
love, harmony, peace, joy, laughter.
Please share it …. Widely
Anne: Good morning everybody, or afternoon. This is Monday, about 1:30 in the afternoon on Monday, November 30, 2015.
This is Anne DeHart in southern Arizona linking you with our long-time friend Zorra. And Quazar is here. I’ve just received a phone call from them and with everything so imminent, it’s likely that we will not be having our Saturday conference call but Zorra has updated news. So I’m going to turn it over to Quazar and Zorra. Come on guys.
Zorra: And don’t forget your invocation.
Anne: Really!?!? (Quazar: [repeating] Really!! [laughing])
Okay. So we will first do the Violet Flame that was given to us by beloved St. Germain. This is a state of grace to release us from any lingering memories that lower our vibration from mistakes that we may have made, either in the past or very currently. It’s to release us so that we can raise our vibrations and not be caught in these old lingering ones from mistakes that we were expected to make. We made the mistakes, we learned the lesson, and now we’re going to erase any frequencies that might pull us backwards.
So we stand with our feet flat on the ground, our hands at our sides, palms facing beloved Mother Earth and we say:
I AM the mighty Violet Consuming Flame
now and forever consuming and transmuting
all past and present mistakes
their cause, core, their effect, and their Akashic Record.
So be it.
now and forever consuming and transmuting
all past and present mistakes
their cause, core, their effect, and their Akashic Record.
So be it.
And now we will enclose ourselves in the White Light of Protection given to us by our beloved Lord Ashtar dictated through his own twin, Lady Pallas Athena. And we again stand with our feet flat on the floor, hands above our heads, palms together, and fingers pointing toward our beloved Higher Self — not far away just above us. And as we say this I like to drop my hands down and pull this beautiful solid pillar — this is not a tube and this is not a bell it’s a solid pillar of pure positive White Light. And here we go. Let’s draw it down around us. And this is between us and our Higher Self. No one, it’s not a placement of something. We are calling upon our own personal Higher Self and [it] comes from our Higher Self down around us here in incarnation. Here we go.
Beloved I AM Presence, intensify your protective pillar of pure positive cosmic White Light substance in, through and around me. Charge it with your invincible protection, all-powerful and impenetrable, that keeps me insulated from all that is not of the Light. And keep it sustained. Make and keep me ever sensitive to you and your protection/ to you and your direction and immune to all imperfect vibratory rates.
So be it. It is done. As above so below.
So be it. It is done. As above so below.
Thank you Zorra.
Zorra: Indeed.
Quazar: That was beautiful Lady Nada.
Anne: Thank you. (Zorra: Indeed)
Quazar: And yes this day, today is such a pivotal moment in our history and we thank Zorra for being here; which was a lovely surprise that he blessed us with his Presence and this call. (Zorra: Indeed) So take it away Zorra.
Zorra: Interesting.
Anne: [Laughing] We need fanfare. We need fanfare. We need a roll of the drums now. [All laughing]
Quazar: Here we go!
Zorra: Indeed. Well, as your blessing draws nigh…
Quazar: What does ‘nigh’ mean Zorra?
Zorra: … Hours. As your blessings draw nigh within hours, anyway, I’m here to explain to you a coming event that will be taking place. The healing vessels when they arrive they will be doing what is termed as manifesting themselves and before the main what is termed fleet does their manifesting also. Anyway.
They will be positioned, as they are positioned around the world ready for manifestation, and when they do the following will take place. Those that are termed homeless peoples that are missing limbs such as legs and arms, appendages, and things of that nature, some will be called upon to go on to the ships for their healing.
When the healing begins, which will be simultaneous, the power that will be emitted from the ships will engulf the entire planet. Not just on the ships but people that are not on the ships. People that are in their hovels and they will be healed also. Those that are in their wheelchairs, bed-ridden, ones that are not able to move for obvious reasons because they are missing different appendages, will begin to feel the appendages grow right in their own homes. And the immense power that will be transmitted will globally, worldwide and it will entail everyone.
All that need to be healed will receive the healing. All that are already healed will be enhanced. Enhanced meaning awakened fully. Those that have been sleeping will be wide-awake.
Anne: What a reality check. What a reality check.
Zorra: Indeed. And just imagine, if you will, in your mind, people everywhere: no more wheelchairs, no more crutches, no more canes. No more need for them for everyone will be fully and completely healed of any infirmity they may have. Of all diseases will become null and void.
Quazar: Zorra is this all going to occur spontaneously? (Zorra: Indeed) So the people in dire straits, people that are impoverished, that are hungry…
Zorra: Everything will be provided for them.
Quazar: So it’s instantaneous.
Zorra: It is indeed. (Anne: Oh, it’s amazing!) And the commencement of full restoration of the ozone, of the atmospheres, of any what is termed ozone holes in the ozone layer will be totally and completely restored. (Anne: Oh my.) The planet will become a pristine planet. (Anne: Oh my goodness!)
Quazar: Without The Gathering?
Zorra: No, there’s going to be a Gathering. I’m speaking of what is going to happen now. (Quazar: Okay)
Anne: Oh my! Oh this is so wonderful. This is all happened with Divine Intervention that was allowed finally; that was announced by Garrith Lamanov that we have posted. That Ashtar Command announced that Divine Intervention had been afforded them and they were moving ahead now. And then St. Germain has announced his three weeks of meditation.
Zorra: All of the above. [Chuckling at Anne’s joyous reaction to the news.]
Anne: Oh my! Oh my! Oh this is…
Zorra: And understand people need to stop their 3D thinking. (Anne: Oh yes.) They need to start thinking 5D. Leave the old programming away and replace it with love, harmony, peace, joy, laughter. (Anne: Yes!)
Quasar: Zorra so when because the RV is within reach already and people have already exchanged … (Zorra: In Canada) all over the place, in many countries already. (Zorra: Indeed) So once that occurs people have all kinds of projects.
Zorra: Indeed. And many of you out there have projects that you are planning and you will commence with them.
And you had made promises, all of you have made promises of what you’re going to do. And we are going, the Galactics are going to hold you to it. All of those promises that you have promised will be commenced by you and that will determine the next step.
Quazar: With the projects, with the RV and peoples’ projects — and of course you have mentioned before that the Mentors will help people with their projects. (Zorra: Indeed. Of course.) So the Mentors then need to be coming as well.
Zorra: Oh they’re here. They’re just not knocking on your door yet. The Mentors are on the Earth, in the Earth, and around the Earth so they are ready for their disbursement as you term it.
Quazar: Someone to press their button to go. [All laughing]
Zorra: Final approval as it is so termed. Yes they will be given their, what you term, they will be given their marching orders.
Anne: [Laughing] Oh this is so wonderful.
Zorra: So people need to know what is being said is factual and true. As Tartus puts it, “Less words – more action!” Indeed. And so that will be transpiring. Yes?
Anne: The reason you’re making this hurried instantaneous telephone recording here Monday, midday, is because we’re not really anticipating your regular call on Saturday and perhaps no more calls at all.
Zorra: Indeed. You will not need them. Understand beloved masters, you have all that you need. You have your own Being, the Lord God of Your Being. It’s time for you to make contact with him or her, whatever the case may be.
And you need to also understand that you have all that you need. You have all the tools. You have all of the healing devices. You have your headbands; you have your healing rod; you have your StemFit; you have your Zero Point; you have your Rain International Soul and Core and Form; you have what is called Laminine. You have all of these tools that are going to afford you a wonderful life. Use them. If you do not have them get them. You can afford it now.
You no longer need to be in poverty. You no longer need to be in want. You no longer need to be in lack.
By the Power of Attraction is what you are going to get so be careful of what you ask for; be careful of what you want; be careful how you speak. (Quazar: Thought is everything.) It is. Thought is the creator as thought always is.
Quazar: So Zorra at this time everybody, especially with your words today, (Zorra: Indeed) should really be prepared now (Zorra: Of course) for what they’re going to do with the …
Zorra: When you get your blessing, if you have not done it yet, align yourself with your wealth managers or private bankers or whoever you have close communications with concerning your financial institutions. And have your plan in order. Know what you’re going to do. And also beware of those that are going to be out there trying to take it away from you. So be mindful of your surroundings. Be mindful of what, how you are doing your exchange. Do not go singularly go in with someone, if you can. Take someone with you.
Anne: Zorra? Indeed. We do have members that don’t have currency. (Zorra: I understand this.) They have a blessing coming from St. Germain?
Zorra: Of course. NESARA will also be enacted as well.
Quazar: When is that going to be enacted?
Zorra: Shortly after what is termed your blessing has arrived. No one will be left out.
Anne: Oh that’s wonderful. That’s wonderful.
Quazar: So no one has to worry.
Anne: It’s all going to almost be nonlinear. It’s going to just be a whole new world … a New World coming!
Zorra: Indeed [Laughter] Indeed. It is going to be a New World coming. A New World here! All of the worries and what is called strife and conflict and all of that will come to a halt.
Understand beloved master when ships appear in the skies over cities people are going to be … well that will also be after the announcement of Disclosure.
And so and that once the what is called the healing vessels come to the Earth/appear, and that will be the beginning of it. And the healing of all the peoples that are in what is called impoverished and things of this nature. That will come to a complete end.
Quazar: So the healing ships are prior to Disclosure is that correct? (Zorra: Indeed) And then the announcement that is coming from our Galactics for Disclosure will occur sometime after the healing ships have arrived.
Zorra: Most likely simultaneously. (Quazar: Oh, wonderful.) Because understand we do not wish to have what is called a panic or any what is called chaos so the Galactics will be giving the announcement over the media over all of your communication devices and at the same moment shall the healing vessels appear. (Anne: Oh it’s so beautiful.)
And understand, the healing vessels are small, smaller than the regular Ashtar ships so they will not cause such a what you call a stir. But, after they have made their appearance, of course, then of course, then the Ashtar Fleet will make their appearance (Quazar: Along with Sananda) and bring a halt to all hostilities. (Quazar: Along with Sananda) Along with Sananda.
So Sananda you know is, what is the term, overjoyed …
Anne: Oh and so is his other half!
Zorra: … as to the prospect of what is occurring so.
Quazar: What about Prime Creator? What is Prime Creator wanting to say to us?
Zorra: It is already been said, what Prime Creator wanted to say, are the words that I’m giving. Indeed.
Prime Creator is also overjoyed as to, given what is termed the permission to the Galactic Federation of Planets, to the Galactic Federation of Light, to what is termed all of the minions and things of this nature, because She was tired of waiting for your governments to do it. (Anne: Yes) Because they so adamantly refused to do so She has said, “Enough!”
Anne: We’ve all said enough is enough.
Quazar: So we don’t have to worry about anymore minions at all.
Zorra: No you do not have to worry about them because they are also being rounded up. (Quazar: So they’re insignificant.) So they’re insignificant. (Anne: Oh that’s so wonderful!)
So go within yourselves, all of you! You have the tools, you have the knowledge you have the instruction and you have the harmony and the peace and the joy: The path of all understanding.
Quazar: And wouldn’t you also say Zorra that people have helped to move the vibration, the frequencies of our …
Zorra: Of course you’ve done your part, indeed.
Quazar: And where are we now in terms of that towards Ascension?
Zorra: [Chuckling] Indeed. They are ongoing Ascensions. I know your little trick. [Laughter] You will not pin me down … even though you try. I know that.
Anne: So this is so probably our last chat together.
Zorra: Well no, it will not be our last chat together such as Lady Nada and Quazar and Zaraya.
Quazar: While talking about that, Zorra, now you had mentioned that you are going to be around until Disclosure but it sounds like Disclosure is pretty imminent already. (Zorra: It is) So you will probably still make an announcement just prior to Disclosure?
Zorra: No, that will be Prime Creator’s thing.
Quazar: Oh, so you may not have to do any more calls.
Zorra: We may not have to do any.
Quazar: Uh huh. And I think because of that, I think we can then let go of having these calls after today. You could make a call and maybe whenever you feel it necessary without it having to be on a Saturday. (Zorra: Indeed) Right? If we still have the website.
Anne: Well the website I guess will remain oh I think it was just paid for a month. I think the charge just came through. So if I’m gone it will still be there. And I will I’ll leave instructions to — and you’ll be gone too Quazar — but I’ll leave instructions to my brother. But it was just paid.
It was just paid today so the website will be good for a month and by that time we’ll be in our whole new world and we’ll just let things take their course.
Quazar: Sounds beautiful. Any final words here for everyone Zorra?
Zorra: Be in harmony, be in peace, be in what is called laughter. Understand laughter is a healer. And so laugh a lot and be in harmony and be in peace be in joy and become who and what you are. You already know that. You are Gods and you are Goddesses or both. So.
Quazar: Give us our final Pulse.
Zorra: Give us our final Pulse. Five, four, three, two, one. Receive.
Anne: My head cracked inside when you did that. On the right side. [Laughter] (Zorra: Indeed)
Quazar: And we want to thank …
Zorra: We may still have what is called healing calls up until the vessels, the healing vessels arrive. And that will be all. If necessary, of course.
But understand when the peoples receive the blessing that will relieve nearly 100% of the illnesses that are present. (Anne: Oh my.)
Quazar: You mean from the pulse that you just did?
Zorra: No, when the RV is released fully. That will take the worries away. That will take much stress and ulcers and things of this nature away. And so the RV’s arrival will bring much healing. (Quazar: In vibration and frequency.) Indeed in itself.
Quazar: Thank you so much Zorra. You have been just a wonderful, wonderful Divine Presence for all of us these past five years. We love you so dearly so I speak for all of us. And we will be seeing you and meeting up with you soon. (Zorra: Indeed!)
And we want to thank our beloved Lady Nada also so, so very much because if she wasn’t there at the helm we wouldn’t be there either.
Zorra: Indeed. And that … that is all. That is enough.
Anne: Well we’re very grateful. Speaking for our beloved HEN Collective dear Zorra, and dear Quazar, and dear, dear Zaraya who gave so much. Our beloved HEN collective embraces you with our open hearts.
Quazar: And we also want to thank our Tartus (Zorra: Indeed) Peter Olson who has done magnificent work as well in spreading the joy and the love the harmony and the knowledge that we all have appreciated very, very much. (Zorra: Indeed)
Anne: And as long as I’m here I will be posting. Just watch Breaking News. I will be posting any further messages we might receive from Zorra (Zorra: Indeed) Any announcements just watch Breaking News and it’ll be there. And when they stop, I’m gone. But by that time you’ll be busy with other things so yes.
Zorra: Indeed.
Quazar: It is done.
Anne: Well I guess we’ll conclude the call. Jane just said it is done. Quazar…
Zorra: We could do what is termed as a Healing Pulse. (Quazar: You just did.) No that was just a general.
Quazar: That was good right there Zorra.
Zorra: That is good. It is all. It is finished.
Anne: It is finished. All right then I will end the call then.
Zorra: May harmony, peace, joy, laughter, healing be with you always … even to the ends of the world.
Anne: Oh that’s beautiful.
Zorra: And we hear a New World coming.
Anne: It’s hard to say goodbye. I keep waiting. I don’t want to push the button. [Laughter]
Zorra: But we will talk again, us, together.
Anne: Okay I just want to make sure that this recording went smoothly so I will go ahead and end the call.
As soon as I confirm the playback it will be posted on Breaking News for everybody.
Oh what joy! Thank you! (Zorra: Indeed) I love you both. Yes, thank you so much. (Quazar: Me too!) I’ll never forget this day. I’ll never forget this day. (Zorra: Indeed)
Quazar: We love you a lot Lady Nada.)
Anne: Okay here we go.
Quazar: Bye-bye from me and Zaraya.
Anne: Bye!
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